Morning folks. I have to keep looking at the clock as I write this as we have a discovered a cool baker man from town comes in his little van to the apartments where we're staying to sell bread and spinach pies and other goodies at around this time - we don't want to miss him!
On Sunday there was a big power cut to the whole apartment complex and to the whole of the town and beyond. It just all went dark and silent - it was quite romantic really, nice to get back to basics. We couldn't even light candles as it was too windy so we just sat on the balcony and looked for shooting stars in the sky and played brain games (like the one Matt makes me play on long car journeys, oh joy: one person has to think of a person and tell the others the first letter of their surname. The others have to guess who the person is just by asking yes/no questions like 'are you male', 'are you famous', 'are you fictional' etc. Hours of endless fun - Matt was once 'D' all the way from Norwich to Barrow and it turned out he was 'Toilet Duck'!)
Anyway, the power and water and internet seem to come and go as they please here - oh well, it keeps things interesting!
I was very sorry to miss my brother Frankie's birthday party on Sunday (only 'cos I missed my mum's awesome egg sandwiches) but I hear he had a good time. Keep your eye out for a special post coming tomorrow for your actual birthday Frank...
Yesterday we discovered an immense cake and coffee shop in town - we didn't have cake, don't worry, but it was amazing just to look at the fridges upon fridges filled with such intricate, beautiful cakes, they were like works of art!
Then we hung out by the pool, went swimming, read our books, Matt had his siesta etc.
Today we are heading off out for the day to take Sunny to the airport as his holiday has come to an end. It was really great to have him here and to catch up properly.
So, be sure to check the blog tomorrow - until then, see ya!
Rose x
Oh and on Sunday we had a little trip to Irepetra so I'll leave you with this photo from the day! (Please feel free to add your own caption...!)
The Men from Irepetra (as opposed to 'the girl from Ipenema')!