Monday 16 August 2010

Butterflies, bees - and dragonflies as big as dinner plates!

Hello to all the folks back home! Thought I'd drop in for a quick update. All is quiet here in our little corner of Crete. We are writing songs and reading books and listening to our iPods and swimming most of the day. I've just come in from watching the sunset whilst lying on a lilo in the pool, which was pretty lovely!
I have also been on butterfly/dragonfly/big black bee watch. It's amazing, the butterflies are as big as my hand and the deep turquoise dragonflies are huge, as big as garden birds back home. They've been skimming across the pool and I've been trying desperately to get a photo but no luck so far. I snapped these shots of a butterfly on my iPhone but I will be stalking them with my proper camera until I get the perfect picture. Does anyone know what type they are?

Oh, and the bees... They are huge. And all black with shiny green-ish wings. And very scary looking but they seem to fly away when they see you coming. I think they are quite wimpy bees as I saw one today clinging to a leaf for dear life.
Over the past few days very, very hot African winds have been blowing in off the sea. They are pretty brutal and have been blowing some big dust clouds up in the air. Nothing too major though and although it's like having a hot hairdryer pointing at you all day, it's quite nice to have some kind of breeze - it is 36 degrees after all!
Although the diet is going well for the slightly porky Hillman/Kassells, I did have the most amazing ice cream I've ever had outside Italy last night, just as a one off, mind. We'd gone into town in the evening and when we returned to our car, some Greeks had hemmed us in with their 4x4s. So while Matt got into a bit of a flap and a panic thinking we'd be stuck there all night, I went into the shop and bought an ice cream called, wait for it, 4x4! It was delicious.
We are very excited because our friend Sunny is coming to stay for a week - we go to pick him up from the airport tomorrow. I may even let him write a guest blog entry!
And one final thing - I found my first grey hair today...that's what living with Matt does to a girl! I'm just telling myself it was really a blonde one...


  1. Hi. I think they are monarch butterflies-won't bore you with the details. Summer's over in England now, forecast of sleet and snow by the end of September, so make the most of your weather while you can! Frank has got a little red face tho' from windburn off Morecambe prom!!Me and dad didn't go very grey until the littlest hillman came along, so i wouldn't blame Matt- more likely to be the other way round! Bye xx

  2. Hiya Graham, yes I think it is, they are so lovely! Hope all is well at the garden x
