Thursday, 26 August 2010

Calling all astronomers...

...we really ned some help!
Last night, as we were standing outside the apartments watching the sun go sown behind the mountains, we saw this strange light in the sky. It looked huge, not sparkling white like a star and much bigger than that anyway. It was kind of pale orange and almost perfectly round and moving slightly too.
We decided to get in the car and look for it, and as we got closer the shape of it seemed to change until we saw it was one big red glowing light with a kind of vapour trail coming out behind it, kind of like this artists impression I made on photoshop:
We ruled out planes and helicopters and Chinese lanterns. Our minds then started racing with thoughts of asteroids and UFOs!
Then the glowing red bit kind of fizzled out, went black and the whole thing disappeared... And that was it. 
So was it something dead exciting or was it just a flare in the sky? Astronomers, we need your help! Or maybe my mum will know... :)
Bye for now xx

1 comment:

  1. Freaky! Probably part of a meteor shower but don't really know?
